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Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearings
Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Single Row Cylindrical Roller Bearings

Single-row cylindrical roller bearings are usually only subjected to radial force. Compared with ball bearings of the same size, the radial load capacity is increased by 1.5-3 times, with good rigidity and impact resistance. It is especially suitable for rigid support, supporting short shafts, Shafts that cause axial displacement due to thermal elongation and machine accessories that require separable bearings for installation and disassembly. Mainly used for large motors, machine tool spindles, engine front and rear support shafts, train and passenger car carriage shaft supports, diesel engine crankshafts, automobile and tractor gearboxes, etc.

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